About film city
Welcome to Greater Brighton – home of the revolutionaries of film! A city that pushes the boundaries of the Silver-screen and takes imagination to an international stage. An economic super city – charged with a multitude of professionals in the creative industries, spanning both digital & film.
Greater Brighton is a vibrant centre of growth – not only boasting the world’s oldest cinema – our very own The Duke of Yorks, but also being the heart of a rich and diverse collective full of innovative talents. Using our every platform to showcase film, including festivals, the great outdoors, in gallery spaces and in state of the art cinemas of all sizes. It is very easy to see why film crews from all over the world are increasingly choosing to make their movies here.
Moreover our publicly funded development agencies are working with schools, colleges and universities to foster the future of film. We are producing entrepreneurs, technical talent and informed and demanding film audiences that altogether fuel a film city that will help preserve and grow cine-culture.
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